a, b, In vivo growth of CEM T-ALL cells in subq xenograft studies upon genomic ablation of JMJD3 and UTX (red and green circles denote shJMJD3 -expressing cells (two different hairpins), blue denotes shUTX–expressing cells and black circle denotes shRenilla -expressing cells, a). One million CEM cells were injected into the animals and representative graphs from five mouse recipients and photo of a representative mouse in days 0 and 6 are shown. Representative graphs from five mouse recipients and the average luciferase intensity in days 0 and 6 are shown (b). c, Representation of growth of CEM cells at different time points post transplantation in Subq studies (n=5). d, Comparison of in vivo cell growth in subcutaneous model of shJMJD3-, shUTX- and shRenilla expressing P12 cells (n=5). One million P12 cells were injected into sublethally irradiated Rag γc−/− immunecompromised recipients and the mice were monitored every day for luciferase activity. Day zero is the first day that substantially detectable luciferase intensity was measured. The last day of the experiment was the day that either luciferase intensity reached saturation or the mice were euthanized for humanitarian reasons. Red and green circles denote shJMJD3 -expressing cells (two different hairpins, shJMJD3a and shJMJD3b correspondingly), blue denotes shUTX–expressing cells and black circle denotes shRenilla-expressing cells). e, Monitoring change in luciferase intensity over a period of seven days in Subq xenograft model using CUTLL1 T-ALL cells (n=4). f, g, i.v. xenograft studies using CUTLL1 cells injected into sublethally irradiated Rag γ−/−c−/− immune-compromised recipients (n=8 or 6, as indicated in the figure). In all e–g cases half a million CUTLL1 cells were transplanted and the mice were monitored every day for luciferase activity.