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. 2014 Oct 27;9(10):e111420. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111420

Table 1. Summary of Included Study Characteristics and Findings.

Author, Year Setting Participants Randomized; Analyzed Intervention Description Theoretical Basis AttentionControlled Framework Classification* Summary of Findings and Follow-up Outcomes Contributed toMeta-Analysis
[22] Sahler, 2013 Multiple academic centers, USA Mothers of children recently diagnosed with cancer; mean age 37; 43% white, 43% Hispanic 309; 191 8 weekly, 1-hr individual manualized, problem-solving skills training sessions Five-step cognitive behavioral intervention designed to empower individuals through use of coping strategies and skills Yes; non-directive support and reflective listening Trauma, Directed, Specific, Universal Continued, significant improvements in problem-solving skills, mood, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress at 3 months follow-up compared to non-directive support control Depression, Stress
[23] Rose, 2013 Large University, USA Volunteer, reimbursed graduate students with score of 16 or greater on Perceived Stress Scale; 50% male; 32% Asian 66; 59 6 weekly, 40-min, self-guided, computer-based, virtual resiliency training and homework/practice assignments with weekly calls/emails Stress management training, cognitive behavioral approaches including thought activities and cognitive flexibility Yes; stress-related videos and readings; with reminder emails/phone calls General, Directed, Broad, Universal Immediately post-test, improved amount of and control over stress in intervention group compared to educational attention control; intervention was rated as useful Resilience, Stress
[24] Varker, 2012 Australian community Compensated community volunteers; age 28; 56% female 82; 78 Single, 40 minute group session of stress inoculation training; included desensitization to car crash images and applied tension techniques Stress inoculation training based on current understanding of PTSD Yes; single session of pragmatic accident management training Trauma, Directed, Specific, Universal Analogue trial showed no significant difference in post-video distress but some improvement in affect at 1 month follow-up in MANOVA analysis Depression, Stress
[12], [25] Songprakun, 2012 Outpatient psych hospital in Thailand Moderately depressed Thai patients; age 42; 73% female 56; 53 8-week, resilience-focused self-help guide book with readings, homework, and weekly phone calls Cognitive behavioral basis focusing on 4 resilience concepts to deal with depression No; standard depression care only General, Directed, Specific, Indicated Significant improvement in resilience as add-on therapy in depressed Thai patients at 3 months follow-up Resilience, Depression
[26] Petree, 2012 Restaurant franchises in Texas and Illinois Young restaurant workers; age22; 52% female 28 restaurants and 485 workers randomized 3-day workshop, 2 hrs each day; focused on building team resilience Focused on “five Cs” of resilience; modified for young adult perspective No; no intervention General, Directed, Specific, Universal At 6 and 12 months follow-up, no significant difference in stress and problems with coworkers; outcomes were measured in different cohort than randomized None
[27] Sood, 2011 Academic medical center Department of Medicine faculty members; age 48; 47% female 40; 32 Individual, single, 90 minute session focused on attention training, deep breathing; optional follow-up session Adapted from Attention and Interpretation Therapy; focuses on novelty of the world and living life with higher principles No; wait list control General, Directed, Broad, Universal Significant improvement in resiliency, perceived stress, anxiety, and quality of life at 8 weeks of follow-up Resilience, Quality of Life, Stress
[28] Loprinzi, 2011 Academic medical center, USA Breast cancer survivors serving as peer mentors; age 61 24; 20 2, 90-minute small group sessions for attention training and relaxation, one optional 45 minute individual session and 3 follow-up calls over 12 wks Adapted from Attention and Interpretation Therapy; focuses on novelty of the world and living life with higher principles No; wait list control General, Directed, Broad, Universal Significant improvement in resilience, stress, anxiety, and quality of life at 3 months of follow-up Resilience, Quality of Life, Stress
[29] Kent, 2011 VA Health System, USA US Veterans with PTSD; age 54; 33%female 39; 39 12, manualized, weekly, 90-min group sessions to introduce concept of resilience, build self-awareness, test against stressors Emphasizes a capacity-building approach to foster resilience resources that can be drawn upon No; wait list control Trauma, Directed, Broad, Indicated Significant improvement in many affective symptoms and in emotional health immediately post-intervention Depression, Stress
[30] Luthans, 2010 Large, Midwestern University, USA Advanced management students; age 21; 42% female NR; 153 in intervention and 89 in control Single, 2-hr group training session with exercises and discussions to impact efficacy, hope, optimism, and resilience Based on the construct of Psychological Capital (PsyCap) and developing its four loading capacity states Yes; well-matched group decision-making intervention General, Mediated, Broad, Universal Significant and large improvement in Psychological Capital (PsyCap) at 3 days follow up in intervention group; res None
[33] Grant, 2010 Independent girls school in Australia High school educational workforce volunteers; age 43; 70% female 50; 44 10 individual coaching sessions over 20 weeks using GROW (goal, reality, options, way forward) model to structure conversations Cognitive behavioral, solution-focused coaching based on self-leadership and role support plays in building resilience No; wait list control General, Directed, Broad, Universal Increased goal attainment, reduced stress, and enhanced workplace well-being and resilience immediately post-intervention Resilience, Depression, Stress, Anxiety
[31] Farchi, 2010 City in Israel during active war and bombing Adult residents of Siderot, Israel; about 70% female NR; 68 2 phone calls 1 wk apart that asked participants to refute 6 challenging sentences Based on use of psychological inoculation to build resilience and coping efficacy Yes; 2 phone calls asking about coping strategies used Trauma, Directed, Broad, Universal No significant difference at 1 wk of follow-up in mental resilience outcomes None
[32] Dolbier, 2010 Large University, USA Compensated student volunteers; age 21; 84% female; 25% Hispanic, 22% Asian 64; 38 4 weekly, 2 hr classroom sessions focused on transforming stress into resilience through empowering interpretations Based on concept of stress-related growth, uses IFS model, CBT, transactional model of stress and coping and resilience models No; wait list control General, Directed, Broad, Universal Evaluated reactions to remembered stressful events on stress-related growth; found no significant effect at 1 week of follow-up None
[37] Kanekar, 2009 Midwestern University, USA Asian-Indian volunteer students recently moving to US from India; age 25; 13% female 60; 39 3, self-directed online sessions to be completed over 2 months focusing on social support, hardiness, and acculturation Based on previous research suggesting social support, hardiness, and acculturation predicted mental health in Indian students Yes; similar format focusing on general health awareness and wellness General, Directed, Specific, Universal Immediate post-test improvement in psychological distress but no change in social support, hardiness, or acculturation Resilience
[36] Grant, 2009 Public health nursing agency in Australia Executives and senior managers in leadership development program; age 50; 93% female 50; 40 Individualized feedback, one half-day training workshop, then 4 individual sessions over 8–10 wks from executive coaches Solution-focused, cognitive behavioral coaching using GROW model and applied positive psychology No; control had the leadership workshop but no coaching sessions General, Directed, Broad, Universal Significant improvement in goal attainment, resilience, andworkplace well-being immediately post-intervention but not in anxiety or stress Resilience, Depression, Stress, Anxiety
[35] Arnetz, 2009 Police academy in Sweden Young, male, rookie Swedish police officers in parent study 25; 18 Initial psychoeducational session then 10 weekly, 2-hr group sessions for relaxation, imagery training, skill rehearsal; tapes for home practice Stress inoculation training through imaginal exposure and visual motor behavioral rehearsal No; typical police training Trauma, Directed, Specific, Universal After 1 year, improved psychophysiological stress and police work performance after robust, live critical incident simulation; no outcomes at shorter follow-up None
[34] Abbott, 2009 Industrial organization in Australia Sales manager volunteers; age 43; 14% female 53; 53 10 week, online, self-directed program using video, slides, virtual partners; also emails and a conference call Focuses on emotion regulation, impulse control, optimism, causal analysis, empathy, self-efficacy, reaching out No; wait list control General, Directed, Broad, Universal Half the sample was lost to follow-up but did ITT analysis; no significant difference immediately post-intervention between groups in mental health, QOL, or work performance; program well-accepted by completers Quality of Life, Depression, Stress, Anxiety
[38] Steinhardt, 2008 Major University, USA Compensated undergraduate and graduate students; age 21; 82% female; 26% Asian, 20% Hispanic 64; 57 4 weekly, 2-hr classroom sessions during final weeks of class; focus on transforming stress into resilience Uses cognitive behavioral therapy drawing on transactional model of stress and coping and resilience and thriving models No; wait list control General, Directed, Broad, Universal Significant improvement in resilience and coping immediately post-intervention and improved mental health symptomatology compared to control in MANOVA analysis Resilience, Depression, Stress
[39] Luthans, 2008 Diverse industries through University contacts Diverse sample of working adult volunteers; age 32; 89% white NR; 364 2, 45-min, self-directed, web-based sessions 1 wk apart with narrated slides, reflection exercises, goal-setting Based on Psychological Capital model and focuses on developing states of hope, optimism, efficacy, and resilience Yes; attention-matched program focusing on decision making exercises General, Mediated, Broad, Universal Statistically significant but small improvement in PsyCap post-intervention compared to control None
[40] Bradshaw, 2007 Academic diabetes center Type 2 diabetes patients; age 59, 65% female; 90% white 200 randomized prior to invitation; 67 accepted; 51 analyzed 10, 90-min training classes 2x/wk for 5 wks held in the hospital Modules focused on psychosocial enrichment, exploring functions to fortify mind, body, spirit No; standard diabetes care General, Directed, Specific, Universal No significant improvement at 3 months in psychophysiological outcomes, although knowledge of coping strategies increased; outcomes not reported in fashion suitable for meta-analysis None
[41] Waite, 2004 Government organization, USA Members of work units in tax processing division; 84% female, 90% white 232 cluster randomized; 150 analyzed 5, weekly, 7-hr group sessions using Chi, quanta, practical experiences and skills Focused on mental and spiritual health, development of understanding of disruptions No; potential contamination with control work units General, Directed, Broad, Universal Significant improvement in resilience and psychological outcomes post-test; were maintained at 10 wks follow-up Resilience, Self-efficacy
[14] Schachman, 2004 Air Force Base, USA Primigravid military wives in childbirth class; age 21, 76% white 111; 91 Weekly group meetings x4 as part of traditional child birth course; small group and role play activities Based on resilience model; sought to identify internal and external resources Yes; attention-matched traditional classes General, Directed, Specific, Universal Significant and large improvement in resilience immediately post-intervention but not maintained 6 wks postpartum. Improved maternal role adaptation. Resilience
[13] Sadow, 1993 Domiciliary for homeless veterans; USA Substance-abusing homeless vets; likely all men NR; 96 6 week program using metaphor of a scientist trying to make sense of life events Psychoeducational instruction based on a resiliency training model, developing internal locus of control Yes; program focused on verbal and written skills training General, Directed, Broad, Universal Significant but small improvement at 6 wks of follow-up in self-efficacy and internality of locus of control Self-efficacy
[42] Bekki, 2013 Major Universities in USA Compensated female doctoral students in physical sciences and engineering; age 27; 17% Asian 176; 134 Self-directed, web-based program explored for 5 hrs over 2 wks; uses case studies, video interviews Problem-solving model; resilience and self-efficacy and cognitive behavioral theories No; wait list control General, Directed, Specific, Universal Significant and large improvement immediately post-test in problem-solving knowledge, resilience, and coping efficacy compared to control Resilience, Self-efficacy
Sharma, unpublished Academic medical center, USA Irritable bowel syndrome patients 23; 23 (interim analysis) 24 wk program with initial, individual training session, 6 handouts over next 12 wks; phone calls every 4 wks Stress management and resilience training based on Attention Interpretation Training, mind-body approaches, transactional model of stress and coping Somewhat; given stress management DVD and follow-up phone calls General, Directed, Broad, Universal Lost 3 to follow-up; interim ITT analysis half-way through intervention (12 wks) shows no significant difference in mental health or resilience outcomes Resilience, Quality of Life, Stress, Anxiety
[49] Burton, unpublished Single center, Australia Worksite volunteers within a government department, clustered by occupation; age 45; 98% female 55 cluster randomized by occupation work site and geographic location; 46 analyzed 10 2.5 hr group sessions over 13 weeks targeting psychosocial well-being; involved psychoeducation, discussion, experiential learning, and home assignments with workbook; third arm not analyzed here added promotion of physical activity Cognitive behavioral therapy based on six core Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes No, wait list control General, Directed, Broad, Universal At 1 month of follow up, no significant difference in most outcomes. A third arm not analyzed here involved the addition of physical activity to intervention and showed similar results. CHD risk indicators and physical activity also measured but not sought for this review. Resilience, Depression, Stress, Anxiety

*Refers to operational framework presented in Figure 1. General = general stress-directed; Trauma = trauma-induced stress-directed; Directed = resilience-directed; Mediated = resilience-mediated; Broad = designed for broad/multiple populations; Specific = designed for specific/single populations; Universal = intended for universal application; Indicated = intended for “as needed” application

NR = not reported.