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. 2014 Oct 27;9(10):e111583. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111583

Table 1. Characteristics of the HIV- and HIV+ groups.

Characteristic HIV- a HIV+ a DoF Statistic b P-value Effect Size c Significance
Demographic Characteristics
Number of Participants 19 21 1.00 χ2 = 0.03 0.87
Gender (M/F) 18/1 19/2 1.00 χ2≈0 1.00
Sexual Orientation (MSM/Heterosexual) 5/14 18/3 1.00 χ2 = 12.07 <0.001 ***
Handedness (R/L) 18/1 18/3 1.00 χ2 = 0.18 0.67
Age at time of scanning (years) 38.1±2.5 (23–54) 40.8±2.6 (23–58) 37.99 t = −0.74 0.46
Years of education 14.4±0.5 (11–20) 13.8±0.5 (9–18) 37.97 t = 0.85 0.40
Days between initial and scanning visits† 58±37.1 (19–124) 77±44.5 (23–733) NA W = 135.5 0.09 g = 0.34
Ethnicity (%) 3.00 χ2 = 3.85 0.28
African-American 2.5 12.5
Hispanic 12.5 10
Other 0 2.5
White 32.5 27.5
Scanner (n) 1.00 χ2 = 5.05 0.02
East 10 3
West 9 18
Dates of scan acquisition d
East 2011/02/03–2011/08/10 2010/06/05–2010/08/14
West 2011/04/01–2012/04/04 2011/01/03–2012/03/19
Psychiatric Characteristics
Wide Range Achievement Test 106.1±2.7 (94–134) 99.7±2.2 (85–134) 35.81 t = 1.85 0.07 g = 0.60
Global Deficit Score† 0.2±0.2 (0–1) 0.3±0.3 (0–1.9) NA W = 151.5 0.20 PS = 0.38
Global Deficit Score Impaired (n) 3 7 1.00 W = 0.84 0.36
Speeded Information Processing 51.8±1.9 (38.8–69.5) 48.1±1.9 (31.5–63.8) 37.95 t = 1.38 0.17 g = 0.40
Verbal Fluency 49.2±1.9 (38–66.7) 46.5±1.6 (35.3–64.7) 35.92 t = 1.10 0.28 g = 0.30
Learning 46.8±2.2 (20–58) 42.3±1.6 (24.5–56) 32.91 t = 1.63 0.11 g = 0.50
Working Memory 51.7±2.3 (28.5–68) 47±1.5 (33.5–59.5) 31.28 t = 1.68 0.10 g = 0.50
Executive Functions 51.1±2.2 (34.5–67.8) 46±2 (29.2–68.5) 37.07 t = 1.7 0.10 g = 0.50
Motor Skills 52.4±2.4 (38–71.5) 49.7±2.5 (33.5–72) 38.00 t = 0.78 0.44 g = 0.20
BDI-II (at initial visit) 1.7±0.6 (0–7) 10.9±2.2 (0–35) 22.53 t = −4.07 0.00 g = −1.3 ***
BDI-II (at time of scan) 1.7±0.8 (0–14) 8.6±2 (0–35) 25.71 t = −3.16 <0.01 g = −1.00 **
POMS (at time of scan) 55.8±3.3 (25–78) 68.8±6.6 (27–146) 29.02 t = −1.75 0.09 g = −0.50
Lifetime MDD Diagnosis (n) 3 11 1.00 χ2 = 4.37 0.04 *
Current MDD Diagnosis (n) 0 5 1.00 χ2 = 3.22 0.07
Kalichman Sexual Sensation Seeking Scale
Sexual Sensation Seeking Scaled (Mean) 1.8±0.1 (1.2–2.6) 2.1±0.1 (1–3.3) 34.04 t = −1.79 0.08 g = −0.60
Non Sexual Sensation Seeking Scaled (Mean) 2.3±0.1 (1.5–3.5) 2±0.1 (1.3–3) 36.32 t = 2.02 0.05 g = −0.60 *
Sexual Compulsivity Scaled (Mean) 1.1±0 (1–1.6) 1.4±0.1 (1–2.4) 26.01 t = −2.33 0.03 g = −0.70 *
Barratt Impulsiveness Scale
Total 59.3±2.3 (46–79) 61.1±2.4 (45–85) 38.00 t = −0.54 0.59
Attentional Subscale 15.3±0.7 (9–20) 16.6±0.8 (9–22) 37.86 t = −1.16 0.25
Motor Subscale 18.1±0.8 (13–30) 19.1±0.9 (13–27) 37.96 t = −0.84 0.41
Non Planning Subscale 26±1.2 (16–38) 25.5±1.1 (16–38) 37.05 t = 0.32 0.75
Clinical Characteristics
Duration of Infection (months) Not applicable 96.9±22.8 (1.6–318.1)
Nadir CD4 Count† Not applicable 250±174.9 (3–763)
Current CD4 Count† Not applicable 426±277.2 (81–1061)
Plasma Viral Load (% Detectable) Not applicable 42.90
AIDS (%) Not applicable 47.60
ART Currently Prescribed (%) Not applicable 71.43
ART Past Use (%) Not applicable 9.52
ART Never Used (%) Not applicable 19.05
Current Substance Use Characteristics
Fagerström Test for NicotineDependence (Total Score) 1.6±0.6 (0–8) 1.8±0.6 (0–9) 38 t = −0.22 0.82
Nicotine Dependence (%) 0 5 (23.8) 1 χ2 = 3.22 0.07
Alcohol Abuse (%) 1 (5.3) 0 1 χ2≈0 0.96
Alcohol Dependence 0 0
Cannabis Abuse 0 0
Cannabis Dependence 0 0
Lifetime Substance Use Characteristics
Alcohol Abuse (%) 5 (26.3) 5 (23.8) 1 χ2≈0 1
Alcohol Dependence (%) 2 (10.5) 1 (4.8) 1 χ2 = 0.01 0.93
Cannabis Abuse (%) 5 (26.3) 4 (19.0) 1 χ2 = 0.03 0.86
Cannabis Dependence (%) 0 1 (4.8) 1 χ2≈0 1
Cocaine Abuse 0 0
Cocaine Dependence 0 0
Methamphetamine Abuse 0 0
Methamphetamine Dependence 0 0
Hallucinogen Abuse (%) 1 (5.3) 0 1 χ2≈0 0.96
Hallucinogen Dependence (%) 0 1 (4.8) 1 χ2≈0 1
Inhalant Abuse 0 0
Inhalant Dependence 0 0
Opioid Abuse 0 0
Opioid Dependence 0 0
PCP Abuse 0 0
PCP Dependence 0 0
Sedative Abuse (%) 0 1 (4.8) 1 χ2≈0 1
Sedative Dependence 0 0
MDMA Abuse 0 0
MDMA Dependence (%) 0 1 (4.8) 1 χ2≈0 1

Mean ± SEM (min - max) or median ± MAD (min - max) if indicated by †.


Statistic: W, Wilcox rank sum test; χ2, χ2 test for equality of proportions; t, Student’s T test.


Effect size: g, Hedge’s g; PS, probability of superiority.


Dates are in year/month/day format.

Abbreviations: SEM, standard error of the mean; MAD, median absolute deviation; MSM, men who have sex with men; BDI-II, Beck Depression Inventory II, POMS, Profile of Mood States; MDD, Major Depressive Disorder; CD4, Cluster of Differentiation 4; AIDS, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; ART, Anti-retroviral therapy; MDMA, 3,4-methylenedioxymethylamphetamine; DoF, degrees of freedom; NA, not applicable; M, male; F, female; R, right; L, left. '*' p<0.05, '**' p<0.01.