Figure 8.
Simulated light flash experiments. (A) A light flash was mimicked in paired recordings of cones and HCs. The cone was voltage-clamped at −35 mV to mimic the dark potential and hyperpolarized to −70 mV for a variable duration (Δt) to mimic a strong light flash before being depolarized to −10 mV (25 ms) to deplete the rapidly releasing vesicle pool. Cones were dialyzed with pipette solutions containing either the MLCK-control (20 µM, left) or MLCK (20 µM, right) peptide. (B) When cones were dialyzed with the MLCK-control peptide, the EPSC amplitude increased with increasing Δt. The amplitude of the EPSC was reduced when cones were instead dialyzed with the MLCK peptide. EPSC amplitude was normalized to the EPSC after the 10-s duration step. Mean ± SEM is shown.