Figure 3.
Population Results
(A) Mean grand average responses for the three morphs used (M1, M2, and M3) and for the original (nonmorphed) images (A was the one image of the pair that was nonresponsive; while B was the responsive one). For each morph, note the significantly higher responses when the subject reported recognizing the image as B (p values for the average differences were obtained with Wilcoxon rank-sum tests). Error bars denote SEM. (B) Mean response strength for picture A, picture B, and the morphed pictures, separated according to the subjects’ report (Decided A or B). Note again the much higher response strength for the ambiguous pictures when recognized as B, which was similar to the response obtained when showing the original (nonmorphed) picture B. Likewise, the presentation of picture A gave a response that was statistically the same as the one obtained when showing picture A.