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. 2014 Nov;75(6):999–1010. doi: 10.15288/jsad.2014.75.999

Table 1.

Sample characteristics and substance use history (N = 9,341)

graphic file with name jsad999tbl1.jpg

Variable % n Variable % n
Demographics and quality of life   Prescription drugs that were “downers” 2 209
 Gender   Prescription drugs that were “uppers” 1 77
  Male 46 4,204   Acid 0 20
  Female 54 5,010   Ecstasy 0 27
 Age, in years   Other 1 109
  18-20 1 99   Don’t have a substance of choice 5 449
  21-35 17 1,606  Severity: % meeting criteria
  36-50 32 3,003   DSM-IV abuse 97 8,955
  51-65 41 3,752   DSM-IV dependence 98 9,033
  66 and over 9 814  Self-label re: prior alcohol or drug use
 Residential setting   In recovery 75 7,027
  Urban 36 3,339   Recovered 13 1,214
  Suburban 44 4,048   In medication-assisted recovery 3 255
  Rural town 15 1,357   Used to have alcohol or drug problem 9 844
  Rural area 6 524  Length of time in self-defined status
 Country of residence   Less than 1 year 15 1,404
  United States 92 8,592   Between 1–2 years 10 951
  Outside of United States 8 749   Between 2–3 years 7 678
 Highest level of education   Between 3–5 years 12 1,068
  Some high school or less 3 264   Between 5–10 years 16 1,490
  High school graduate or GED 9 787   Between 10–20 years 17 1,556
  Some college 31 2,843   20 years or more 23 2,172
  Vocational degree 8 698  Current substance use behavior
  Bachelor’s degree 25 2,353   Abstains from both alcohol and drugs 84 7,745
  Graduate degree 25 2,343   Abstains from alcohol only 3 228
 Marital status   Abstains from drugs only 11 1,020
  Married/in marriage-like relationship 49 4,552   Uses both alcohol and drugs 2 222
  Divorced, separated, or widowed 28 2,638  Belief about recovery in terms of substance use
  Never married 23 2,091   Abstinence 87 8,023
 Ethnicity   No use of substance of choice 4 408
  Hispanic or Latino 5 432   Moderated use of substances 9 802
  Not Hispanic or Latino 95 8,706 Help seeking
 Race  General help-seeking exposure
  White 88 8,079   No help seeking 4 329
  Black or African American 8 713   Attended treatment only 1 84
  American Indian/Alaskan Native 2 213   Attended 12-step groups only 15 1,363
  Asian 1 91   Attended non- 12-step groups only 1 116
  Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander 1 43   Attended 12-step + non-12-step groups 9 799
 Employment status   Attended treatment + 12-step groups 43 3,988
  Employed 62 5,718   Attended treatment + 12-step+ non-12-step groups 27 2,522
  Unemployed 11 1,008   Attended treatment 72 6,649
  Student 6 514  12-step groups attended
  Homemaker 4 337   Alcoholics Anonymous 85 7,899
  Retired 12 1,104   Narcotics Anonymous 48 4,517
  Other 6 592   Cocaine Anonymous 13 1,172
 Quality of life   Marijuana Anonymous 2 203
  Poor 2 204   Meth Anonymous 2 214
  Neither poor nor good 9 827  No. of 12-step meetings attended (lifetime)
  Good 36 3,288   0 meetings 6 515
  Very good 53 4,933   1-5 6 516
Substance related   6-30 7 620
 Primary substance of choice   31-90 7 644
  Alcohol 59 5,495   91-500 24 2,193
  Cocaine 5 428   >500 50 4,612
  Crack 5 482  Non-12-step groups attended
  Marijuana 5 437   LifeRing 3 308
  Heroin 7 616   SMART Recovery 8 755
  Other opiates (not heroin) 4 353   SOS 2 225
  Methamphetamine 7 603   Women For Sobriety 8 751

Notes: GED = General Educational Development credential; DSM-IV = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition; no. = number; SMART Recovery = Self-Management and Recovery Training; SOS = Secular Organizations for Sobriety.