Figure 2.
α1-Adrenergic receptors mediate the PHE-LTD. A, Blockade of α1-ARs with prazosin (10 μm) abolishes the PHE-LTD. Left, Summary graph of the PHE-LTD in control condition (white circles, n = 8) and in the presence of prazosin (10 μm, filled red circles, n = 8). Right, Superimposed EPSC traces taken at the time points indicated by numbers in the left panel. B, The PHE-LTD is not caused by persisting stimulation of α1-ARs. Left, Summary graph of the PHE-LTD obtained during washout of PHE with prazosin. Right, Superimposed EPSC traces collected during the time point indicated by numbers in the left panel. Calibration: 50 pA, 10 ms.