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. 2014 May 13;1(1):e000024. doi: 10.1136/bmjresp-2014-000024

Table 2.

Items removed because of significant differential item functioning (UK compared with USA)

Domain item number Item UK (logit) USA (logit)
Cough 6* My cough disrupts my life 0.51 ✓0.83
Mortality 27† I often worry about how I might die −0.16 ✓0.56
Mortality 32† I am afraid of being maintained at a poor quality of life −1.01 ✓0.13
Energy 37* My level of physical energy makes me feel like I am lazy 0.44 ✓0.69
Mental 39† I feel weighed down by IPF ✓0.39 −0.12
Finances 58* I am concerned that the cost of my care will use up my family's financial resources −0.71 ✓0.61
Finances 61† Having IPF has forced me to reconsider my financial goals ✓0.50 0.02
Finances 62* It has been difficult for me to make the necessary adjustments in my finances to provide support for my finances ✓0.85 0.75
Independence 4† I occasionally ask for help to do things now that six months ago I could have done myself −1.35 ✓−0.38
Relations 76† Living with IPF puts a strain on the relationship I have with member of my immediate family ✓0.39 0.17
Relations 80† I am less willing to seek and form new relationships because I have IPF −1.25 ✓−0.81

✓=Less likely to respond ‘Strongly Agree’ to the item.

†Uniform differential item functioning.

*Non-uniform differential item functioning.