Table 2. The approximate hearing ranges of 24 animals using data extracted from ( and additional data from papers cited in this study.
Animal | Scientific name | Approximate Range (Hz) | Upper Range (KHz) |
bat | Unknown sp | 2,000–110,000 | 110 |
cat | Felis catus | 45–64,000 | 64 |
chicken | Gallus gallus | 125–2,000 | 2 |
cow | Bos taurus | 23–35,000 | 35 |
dog | Canis lupus | 67–45,000 | 45 |
elephant | Loxodonta sp | 16–12,000 | 12 |
ferret | Mustela putorius furo | 16–44,000 | 44 |
guinea pig | Cavia porcellus | 54–50,000 | 50 |
hedgehog | Erinaceinae sp | 250–45,000 | 45 |
horse | Equus caballus | 55–33,500 | 33 |
human | Homo sapien | 64–23,000 | 23 |
house mouse | Mus musculus | 2300–92,000 | 92 |
opossum | Didelphis sp | 500–64,000 | 64 |
rabbit | Oryctolagus cuniculus | 96–49,000 | 49 |
raccoon | Procyon lotor | 100–40,000 | 40 |
rat | Rattus rattus | 200–76,000 | 76 |
sheep | Ovis aries | 100–30,000 | 30 |
cotton rat | Sigmondon hispidusi | 1000–72,000 | 72 |
brush tailed possum | Trichosurus vulpecula | *??-88,000 | 88 |
fox squirrel | Sciurus niger | 113–49,000 | 49 |
northern quoll | Dasyurus hallucatus | 500–40,000 | 40 |
wood rat | Neotoma floridana | 940–56,000 | 56 |
grasshopper mouse | Onychomys leucogaster | 1850–69,000 | 69 |
kangaroo rat | Dipodomys merriami | 50–62,000 | 62 |
*lower hearing range is unknown for this species.