(a, d) Polarized light micrographs of a LC droplet in the (a) absence (bipolar) or (d) presence (radial) of lipids extracted from MVs (scale bar: 2 µm). (b, e) Schematic illustrations of the director configurations within the LC droplets corresponding to the micrographs shown in (a) and (d), respectively. Dashed lines represent the orientations of the LC, and open circles represent defects. (c, f) Light scatter plots of the intensity of side light scattering (SSC) versus forward light scattering (FSC) obtained by flowing LC droplets in the (c) absence (bipolar) or (f) presence (radial) of lipids extracted from MVs through a flow cytometer. (g–h) Size distributions of LC droplets in the (g) absence and (h) presence of lipids from MVs, as measured by optical microscopy.