LHCI, LHCII, and LHCII Kinase/Phosphatase Polypeptide Composition.
Protein content of amiLhcb1
(A) and amiLhcb2
(B). One microgram of total chlorophyll was loaded into each electrophoretic lane, except for quantification of STN7, STN8, PPH1/TAP38, and PBCP, to which 3 μg of chlorophyll was loaded. Immunoblotting of thylakoid protein preparations from the wild type, amiLhcb1 (-b1), and amiLhcb2 (-b2) was performed using monospecific antibodies. The numbers show signal strength in the amiRNA lines relative to that in the wild type, ±se obtained from analysis of thylakoid membranes isolated from four plants in three biological replicates. Asterisks denote significant difference (P < 0.01) from the wild type.