Figure 3.
The pseudo code of the algorithm MBI. Input: A gene expression matrix A with m genes/rows and n samples/columns. Two parameters k1 and k2, where k1 and k2 are both positive integers and where k1 is the number of partitions of the m genes and k2 is the number of partitions of the n samples. Output: Two assignment matrices: Y1* as the gene/row assignment matrix, Y2* as the sample/column assignment matrix, and (k1 × k2) co-clusters of the matrix A. Main variables: A nonnegative integer k as the loop counter; A k1 × k2 matrix X with each entry a real number as the artificial central point of one of the k1 × k2 coclusters of the matrix A; A m × k1 matrix Y1 as the row assignment matrix with {0, 1} as the value of each entry; and A n × k2 matrix Y2 as the column assignment matrix with {0, 1} as the value of each entry.