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. 2014 Sep;147(5):290–299. doi: 10.1177/1715163514543766

Table 1.

Summary of survey results (percentages/means and ranges reported to enhance readability)

Age of respondent (n = 212) 27.2 years (23-49 years)
Male to female ratio (n = 204/212) 33%:67%
Program of graduation (n = 210/212)
 University of Toronto BScPhm Program 111 (52.9%)
 University of Toronto IPG Program 52 (24.8%)
 University of Waterloo BScPhm Program 47 (22.3%)
Estimated total student debt load from all sources at graduation (in $) for those students reporting any student debt load (n = 152 of 212 respondents) Mean: $44,108 ($1000-$130,000)
Estimated annual salary/income from all sources of employment as a pharmacist ($) (n = 212/212) Mean: $81,375 ($41,500-$135,000)
Alignment between salary expectations prior to graduation with actual annual salary/income from all sources of employment as a pharmacist (n = 210/212)
 Very satisfied with alignment 25 (12%)
 Satisfied with alignment 37 (17.8%)
 Unsatisfied with alignment 140 (66.5%)
 Very unsatisfied with alignment 8 (3.6%)
Type of first professional practice position(s) as a pharmacist (n = 210/212)
 Full-time permanent salaried position with benefits 106 (50.3%)
 Full-time permanent salaried position without benefits 14 (6.8%)
 Multiple part-time salaried positions, all with benefits 3 (1.7%)
 Multiple part-time salaried positions, only some or none with benefits 47 (22.3%)
 Full-time contract position <6 months in duration 7 (3.4%)
 Full-time contract position >6 months in duration 29 (13.6%)
 Other (e.g., locum, casual, ad hoc, as-needed, etc.) 4 (1.9%)
Alignment between expectations for type of first professional practice position(s) and actual position itself (n = 210/212)
 Very satisfied with alignment 28 (13.3%)
 Satisfied with alignment 89 (42.4%)
 Unsatisfied with alignment 71 (33.8%)
 Very unsatisfied with alignment 22 (10.5%)
General satisfaction with quality of first professional practice position as a pharmacist (n = 210/212)
 Very satisfied with quality 40 (19.4%)
 Satisfied with quality 73 (35.2%)
 Unsatisfied with quality 65 (30.9%)
 Very unsatisfied with quality 32 (15.5%)
Length of job search time required to secure first professional practice position (n = 212/212)
 ≤1 month 61 (28.8%)
 1-2 months 11 (5.2%)
 2-3 months 105 (49.5%)
 3-4 months 9 (4.2%)
 4-5 months 2 (0.9%)
 5-6 months 2 (0.9%)
 >6 months 22 (10.5%)
Number of hours/week of pharmacy employment, across all practice sites (n = 212/212) Mean: 39.2 hours/week (8-51 hours/week)
Alignment between expectations for hours/week employment as a pharmacist and actual hours/week employment as a pharmacist (n = 212/212)
 Very satisfied with alignment 88 (41.5%)
 Satisfied with alignment 51 (24.0%)
 Unsatisfied with alignment 60 (28.3%)
 Very unsatisfied with alignment 13 (6.1%)
Alignment between expectations or preferences for geographic location of primary site of practice as a pharmacist and actual geographic location (n = 212/212)
 Very satisfied with alignment 31 (14.6%)
 Satisfied with alignment 41 (19.3%)
 Unsatisfied with alignment 102 (48.1%)
 Very unsatisfied with alignment 39 (18.4%)
Changed primary residence specifically for the purpose of employment (n = 212/212) Yes: 117 (55.2%)
No: 95 (44.8%)
If yes, estimated distance moved Mean: 375 km (4.5-3230 km)
Estimated distance from primary residence to primary site of practice (km) Mean: 11.5 km (0-400 km)
Satisfaction with quality of patient care services provided by pharmacy cited as primary place of practice (n = 212/212)
 Very satisfied with quality of patient care services provided by pharmacy 26 (12.3%)
 Satisfied with quality of patient care services provided by pharmacy 35 (16.5%)
 Unsatisfied with quality of patient care services provided by pharmacy 111 (52.4%)
Very unsatisfied with quality of patient care services provided by pharmacy 40 (18.9%)
 Overall general satisfaction with all employment and practice conditions associated with first professional practice position as a pharmacist (n = 212/212)
 Very satisfied 41 (19.4%)
 Satisfied 74 (35.2%)
 Unsatisfied 65 (30.9%)
 Very unsatisfied 32 (15.5%)
Number of advertisements/recruitment notices responded to prior to securing first professional practice position as a pharmacist (n = 209/212) Mean = 4.1 (0-50)
Number of “cold calls” made to prospective employers (n = 201/212) Mean = 0.2 (0-10)
Number of interviews attended (n = 208/212) Mean = 2.4 (0-11)
Prior to finalizing employment, negotiated with employer to secure better salary, benefits, moving or car allowance, payment of licensing/examination fees, continuing education support, workplace/practice conditions or any other aspects of employment (n = 201/212)
 Successfully negotiated change in initial offer related to employment 38 (18.9%)
 Negotiated but was unsuccessful in changing initial offer related to employment 2 (0.9%)
 Did not negotiate any aspect of employment offer; accepted offer “as-is” 161 (80.1%)

Not all respondents answered all questions: n = 212/487 (response rate: 43.5%). Percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding.