The relationship between educational level and fertility. (a) Predicted hazards (and s.e.) for age at first birth (n = 9314). The time to the first birth increases with educational level. Time 0 corresponds to age 15, the beginning of the period of risk exposure. As compared with women with lowest level of education, women with the highest level are less likely to have reproduced before the age of 25 years (time = 10; odds = 0.93), but more likely to have given birth to their first child after that time (time = 11, odds = 1.06). (b) Probability of school attendance (women aged 15–24, n = 2722). Predicted means (and s.e.). Women are approximately 63% less likely to be currently attending school once they have reproduced. Values are reported for women aged 20, married and atheists. (Online version in colour.)