1. Can your child say how old s/he is? |
2. Can your child say the month and day of his/her birthday when asked? |
3. Can your child tell you what happened at a past event (such as birthday party or holiday), as if s/he were telling a story from beginning to end? |
4. Can your child talk clearly about what s/he will do later on, such as tomorrow or next week? |
5. Can your child tell a fairy tale, joke, or television show story completely from beginning to end and in the correct order? |
6. Does your child know his/her right hand from his/her left? |
7. Does your child use -est words, like biggest, strongest, greatest? |
8. Does your child use the word “today” correctly? |
9. Does your child use the word “yesterday” correctly? |
10. Does your child understand the difference between “accident” and doing something “on purpose”? |
11. Does your child ever ask you what a word means? |
12. Does your child use phrases or sentences containing “but”? |
13. Does your child talk about the order of events by using words like “before” and “after”? |
14. Does your child “play” with language by making jokes about words and their sounds, such as words that rhyme? |