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. 2014 Aug 15;190(4):399–409. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201403-0569OC

Table 5.

Enhancer Enrichment among Top GWAS Signals for Panlobular LHE Pattern

Source Cell Line ID Cell Line Description All Enhancers
Strongest Enhancers
Observed Expected P Value Observed Expected P Value
ENCODE NHLF Lung fibroblasts 25 10.8 8.9 × 10−5 17 4.1 1.0 × 10−6
Roadmap ADI.NUC Adipose nuclei 25 13.4 2.1 × 10−3 19 6.4 2.6 × 10−5
ADI.MSC Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell cultured cells 41 17.4 <1 × 10−6 19 7 9.0 × 10−5
LNG.FE Fetal lung 29 11 2.0 × 10−6 12 3.3 1.5 × 10−4
IMR90 IMR90 cell line 25 13.1 1.5 × 10−3 16 7 2.0 × 10−3

Definition of abbreviations: GWAS = genome-wide association studies; LHE = local histogram-based emphysema; SNP = single-nucleotide polymorphism.

Cell lines with enrichment P values for all enhancer and strong enhancer less than 0.005 considering all SNPs associated with the Panlobular emphysema pattern and P less than 5 × 10−6.

All enhancers: enrichment measures calculated for all chromosome segmentation states associated with enhancer activity.

Strongest enhancers: enrichment measures calculated only for those chromosome segmentation states annotated as strong enhancers.

P value from binomial test comparing the observed count of GWAS SNP-enhancer overlap to the expected count derived from all SNPs in 1,000 Genomes pilot phase.