Panels a, b and d show sleep–wake quantities following vehicle and CNO (0.3 mg/kg, IP; 10 A.M.; n = 13) injections in mice with bilateral expression of the hM3Dq receptor in PZ GABAergic neurons, including the average hourly sleep–wake amounts (% of time ± SEM); the total sleep–wake amounts (± SEM) during (1) the 3 hrs post–injection period (10AM-1PM), (2) the remainder (6 hrs) of the light/sleep period (1PM-7PM), (3) the subsequent 12 hr dark period (7PM-7AM) and the next day first 3 hr of the light period (7AM-10AM); and the SWS and REM sleep latencies (± SEM). Panel c shows the SWS power spectrum changes over baseline during the 3 hr post–injection period for vehicle injection as compared with the first, second and third hour post–injection period for CNO (0.3 mg/kg; n = 7 mice) and the quantitative changes (± SEM) in power for the δ (0.4–4.3 Hz), θ (4.3–9.8 Hz), α (9.8–19.9 Hz) and β+ γ (19.9–59.8 Hz) frequency bands (± SEM) following vehicle or CNO (n = 7) administrations. In panel e time–weighted frequency histograms show the proportion (± SEM) of W or SWS amounts in each bout length to the total amount of W or SWS in the 3 hours post–injection period following vehicle or CNO administration (n = 13). CNO: clozapine–N–oxide; two-way ANOVA followed by a post hoc Bonferroni test or paired T test * p < 0.05.