Fig. 3.
Expression of miR-185 in the young (A, P9, sagittal) and adult (B, C, P46, sagittal) mouse brain. A negative control with a sense probe is also included (D, P46, sagittal). At P9, miR-185 is observed in both mitral cell and granular layers of the olfactory bulb, as well as in the hippocampus (A); miR-185 is also present in both the external germinal and internal granular layers of the cerebellum (A). At P9 (A) and P46 (C), miR-185 expression is detected in the frontal cortex. At P46, microRNA expression in the hippocampus remains (B, C); miR-185 expression also persists in the olfactory bulb (C) and the piriform cortex (B), and miR-185 is clearly enriched in the granular layer of the cerebellum (B, C). Dg = dentate gyrus; Eg = external germinal layer of the cerebellum; FCx = frontal cortex; Glc = granular layer of the cerebellum; Glo = granular layer of the olfactory bulb; Hi = hippocampus; Ig = internal germinal layer of the cerebellum; Mc = mitral cell layer; Pc = piriform cortex.