Figure 3.
(A) Lesion overlap across all 40 patients, thresholded to include only voxels that were lesioned in at least 5 patients. (B–E) Primary VLSM analysis using Rhyme Matching performance as the dependent measure. (B) Unthresholded t-map, shown in serial sagittal sections through the left hemisphere. (C) T-map thresholded at p < .001, cluster-corrected at FWE of p < .05, shown in serial left sagittal, coronal (lower left), and axial (lower right) sections. Green lines indicate the locations of orthogonal sections. (D) Articulatory Agility included as an additional covariate in the VLSM of Rhyme Matching. (E) Auditory Word-Picture Matching (AWPM) included as an additional covariate in the VLSM of Rhyme Matching. (F) Composite image showing results of the final supplementary analysis with AWPM performance as the dependent measure, shown in light blue, and the primary analysis with Rhyme Matching performance as the dependent measure in red. AWPM performance is shown with relaxed voxel-wise threshold of p < .005 and cluster size threshold of 500 μl.