Cx37-WT, -N55I, and -Q58L HCs mediate NBD dye uptake; Cx37-C6A HCs do not.
A, representative differential interference contrast (DIC) and NBD (NBD-M-TMA)-fluorescence images for each cell line induced to express the indicated form of Cx37 or the non-induced Cx37-WT cells. White: NBD uptake. Rhodamine images are not shown as no cells contained this dye. Scale bar, 100 μm, applies to all frames. B, NBD uptake was greater in cells induced (as compared with non-induced) to express Cx37-WT, -N55I, and -Q58L, but not Cx37-C6A. Cells counted in non-induced and induced conditions (dox−/dox+): Cx37-WT, 366/323 (n = 4); Cx37-C6A, 499/537 (n = 7); Cx37-N55I, 678/688 (n = 5); and Cx37-Q58L, 660/949 (n = 7). Error bars: S.E. * indicates significant difference between dox+ (Cx37-expressing) and dox− (non-expressing) cells within the same cell line. NS indicates no significant difference between dox+ and dox− cells. C, ratio of dye-positive to total cell number in each of the images obtained from induced Cx37-WT-, -N55I-, and -Q58L-expressing cells.