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. 2014 Sep 10;289(44):30417–30425. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M114.602771


Data collection and refinement statistics

r.m.s.d., root mean square deviation.

Data set CYP142A2 C3S (PDB code 4TRI) CYP142A2 ligand-free (PDB code 4UAX)
Radiation source Rigaku RU-200 copper rotating anode ALS synchrotron BL 8.3.1
Space group P212121 P212121
Unit cell dimensions a = 61.45, b = 96.14, c = and 145.89 Å a = 56.65, b = 83.52, and c = 94.50 Å
Resolution range (Å) (highest shell) 50 (2.00) 20 (1.78)
Wavelength (Å) 1.54 1.12
Total observations 260,004 226,507
Unique reflections (highest shell) 56,014 42,943
Completeness (%) (highest shell) 94.3 (90.1) 98.1 (89.6)
CC1/2 highest shell 0.833 0.824
Rsym/Rmeas (highest shell) 0.086 (0.596)/0.097 (0.680) 0.084 (0.444)/0.106 (0.558)
I/σ〉 (highest shell) 20.40 (2.41) 16.05 (2.95)
Redundancy (highest shell) 4.6 (3.9) 5.3 (4.35)
B-factor, Wilson plot (Å2) 27.1 11.4
Reflections used in refinement 55,965 42,890
Resolution range (Å) used in refinement 29.06 (2.00) 19.59 (1.78)
No. of protein atoms fit 6,300 3,145
No. of heteroatoms fit 162 43
No. of waters fit 720 597
Rwork (%) 16.3 16.7
Rfree (%) 21.3 19.6
r.m.s.d. bond length (Å) 0.007 0.011
r.m.s.d. bond angle 1.17° 1.08°
Average B, all atoms (Å2) 28.2 17.0
Average B, protein atoms (Å2) 27.6 15.5
Average B, heteroatoms (Å2) 28.2 7.9
Ramachandran residues favored/allowed/outliers 768/29/1 349/17/0