Figure 4. Infarct volumes in control animals and animals treated with apoptotic MNC-secretomes.
The percentage of hemispheric lesion volumes (%HLV) are represented as box and whiskers plots, wherein the boxes indicate the 1 st and the 2 nd quartile and the whiskers the minimum and maximum within 1.5 times the interquartile range from the box. Figure 4a shows lesion volumes as the extend of ischemia in setting 1, where apoptotic MNC-secretomes derived from rats were administered 40 minutes after MCAO compared to controls. Figure 4b corresponds to setting 2, where apoptotic MNC-secretomes derived from humans were administered 40 minutes and 24 hours after MCAO. In both settings, MNC apo sec (red boxes) caused a significant decrease in infarct volumes (* p=0.0006 for setting 1, Figure 4a, and * p=0.0041 for setting 2, Figure 4b) compared to the control group (white boxes) that received only cell culture medium.