Figure 5. Novel meiotic reading frames based on true ribosome footprints yield protein products.
(A – D) Distribution of fragment lengths mapping to nuclear coding sequences compared to (A) classical non-coding RNAs, meiotic lncRNAs, and mitochondrial transcripts, (B) novel independent ORFs, (C) translated AUG uORFs, and (D) translated non-AUG uORFs. (E, F) Fragment length analysis of yeast coding sequences compared to (E) classical non-coding RNAs and (F) novel independent ORFs and AUG uORFs. (G, H) Ribosome profiling and mRNA-Seq data for novel reading frames showing meiotic induction (G) or repression (H) of a ~75 codon ORF on an independent transcript (Brar et al., 2012). (I) Western blot confirming meiotic expression of the Unit14431-GFP fusion. (J) Microscopy on meiotic yeast reveals mitochondrial targeting of the Unit14431-GFP fusion. (K) Western blot confirming vegetative expression of the Unit7541-GFP fusion. (L) Microscopy demonstrating nuclear localization of Unit7541-GFP.