Figure 6. Novel human cytomegalovirus reading frames based on true ribosome footprints lead to antigens in humans.
(A – D) Distribution of fragment lengths mapping to human nuclear CDSes compared to all annotated CMV coding sequences after (A) 5 hours or (B) 72 hours of infection, and of specifically the (C) previously annotated and (D) novel CMV coding sequences after 5 hours of infection. (E, F) Fragment length analysis of human coding sequences compared to (E) previously annotated CMV reading frames and (F) novel CMV annotations. (G) Ribosome fooptirnt organization on beta 2.7 transcript (Stern-Ginossar et al., 2012). (H) ELISPOT assay of human donor T cell responses to novel CMV reading frames along with controls. (I) Quantitation of ELISPOT data.