Table 2.
Interview guide
Theme | Sample question |
What was happening before the symptoms? | Tell about what you were doing before your symptoms started? |
The symptom experience | What was it like having those symptoms? |
Describing symptoms | Can you describe your symptoms to me? |
Decision to seek help from doctor/health professional | Tell me what made you decide to see a doctor? |
Influences of others | Did you seek advice from friends and family? |
Barriers/enablers to help-seeking | How do day-to-day pressures affect your ability to see a doctor? |
Patient clinic experience | What was the chest pain clinic pathway (nurse consult/tests/diagnosis) like? What kinds of things did you leave out telling the doctor? |
Subsequent experiences | How do feel now that you have completed the pathway and have a diagnosis? |
Understanding of risk of heart disease | What is your understanding about heart disease and its risk? |
Perceptions of risk and genders | Tell me about what understand about differences in risk (of heart disease) between men and women? |
Diagnosis | How do you feel about your diagnosis today? |
Background/general health | Tell me about your background/health in general? |