Statistical analysis of different Gα- and Gβ-subunit expression patterns in Gαi2βcko islets. Gαo1, Gαo2 (A), Gαs(long), Gαs(short) (B), Gαq (C), and Gαi3 (D) protein expression levels are not influenced by Gαi2-deletion in Gαi2βcko islets. Gαi3 antibody specificity was shown by loading of Gαi3−/− islets. E: downregulation of Gβ1 and Gβ2 expression levels in Gαi2βcko islets. Gβ2 downregulation gains statistical significance. Insets: representative immunoblots of islet homogenates from wt and Gαi3−/− or ctrl and Gαi2βcko animals. Equal loading was confirmed by β-actin detection.