Figure 4. NMS-P715 selectively inhibits growth of PDAC cells. A. Left panel.
Dose effect of NMS-P715 on viability of BxPC-3, PANC-1 and ASC cells after 72h. 0= vehicle control. Right panel: NMS-P715 IC50 values for BxPC-3, PANC-1 and ASCs after 72h. B. Gemcitabine IC50 values for BxPC-3, PANC-1 and ASCs after 72h. C. BxPC-3, PANC-1 and ASC cells were grown at low density (200 cells/ well) for 6 days in medium supplemented with NMS-P715 (μmol/L) or DMSO control (0) as indicated. Cell growth was measured by colorimetric assay. ASC data represent mean of 5 (A) or 3 (B, C) independent isolates. Data were collected from three (A, B) or two (C) independent experiments. Significance was measured by t-test.