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. 2013 Feb 7;3(1):133–142. doi: 10.3390/bs3010133

Table 1.

Words and phrases scored as having a mentalist or cognitive emphasis in addition to all words including the root “cogni”.

Words which satisfied the following criteria were counted as cognitive words.
(1) All words including the root “cogni-”. (2) Each of the following words or their plural forms (exact matches): (3) Each of the following phrases (exact matches):
Affect/s, attention/s, awareness/es, categorization/s, communication/s, cognition/s, concept/s, emotion/s, expectancy/ies, frustration/s, identity/ies, incentive/s, information/s, intelligence/s, imagery/ies, knowledge/s, language/s, logic/s, metacognition/s, metaknowledge/s, memory/ies, mind/s, motivation/s, perception/s, personality/ies, planning, reasoning/s, representation/s, surprise/s, thinking, schema/s. amodal completion, cognitive development, cognitive maps, concept formation, decision making, declarative learning, executive function, information processing, internal representation, internal states, internal structure, logical reasoning, meta-knowledge, mental images, mental structure, problem solving, procedural learning, selective attention, sequential plans, spatial memory, spatial learning, traveling salesperson 1.

1 These words describe a task involving strategy.