Table 1.
Words and phrases scored as having a mentalist or cognitive emphasis in addition to all words including the root “cogni”.
Words which satisfied the following criteria were counted as cognitive words. | ||
(1) All words including the root “cogni-”. | (2) Each of the following words or their plural forms (exact matches): | (3) Each of the following phrases (exact matches): |
Affect/s, attention/s, awareness/es, categorization/s, communication/s, cognition/s, concept/s, emotion/s, expectancy/ies, frustration/s, identity/ies, incentive/s, information/s, intelligence/s, imagery/ies, knowledge/s, language/s, logic/s, metacognition/s, metaknowledge/s, memory/ies, mind/s, motivation/s, perception/s, personality/ies, planning, reasoning/s, representation/s, surprise/s, thinking, schema/s. | amodal completion, cognitive development, cognitive maps, concept formation, decision making, declarative learning, executive function, information processing, internal representation, internal states, internal structure, logical reasoning, meta-knowledge, mental images, mental structure, problem solving, procedural learning, selective attention, sequential plans, spatial memory, spatial learning, traveling salesperson 1. |
1 These words describe a task involving strategy.