Table 5. Average fetal weight in S. Enteritidis infected and noninfected mothers.
Fetal growth | Dose of streptomycin | Dose | Term delivery | Pre term delivery |
mg/mice | CFU/mice | mean fetal ± SD (n) (g) | mean fetal ± SD (n) (g) | |
FGR(a) | 20 | 103 | 0.815±0.078* (66) | 0.622±0.126* (61) |
NFW(b) | 0 | 0 | 1.543±0.061 (134) | 1.231±0.091 (84) |
NFW(b) | 20 | 0 | 1.499±0.052 (31) | ND(c) |
Pregnant mice received 20 mg of streptomycin 24 h before intragastric infection with 3–4×103 CFU of S. Enteritidis (day 15 of gestation). Uninfected pregnant mice (with or without streptomycin treatment) were included as controls. One group of animals was allowed to deliver normally and the other group was sacrificed at 3 days post infection (day 18 of gestation). Fetuses were weighted and FGR was calculated as described in materials and methods.
FGR, Fetal Growth Restriction.
NFG, Normal Fetal Weight.
ND, Not determined.
*p<0.001 respect to uninfected control fetuses.