Figure 4. Effect of Sertraline on the Increase in IL-1β and TNF-α mRNA Expression Induced by PTZ in the Hippocampus.
Relative IL-1β/β-actin (A) and TNF-α/β-actin (B) mRNA expression in the group administered with the single injection of vehicle (G1), and in groups injected with 50 mg/kg PTZ and pre-administered with single injections of: vehicle (G8), 2.5 mg/kg sertraline (G9), or 25 mg/kg sertraline (G10). Results are the mean ± SEM values of 7 (G8) or 5 (G9 and G10) animals per group. *, p<0.04; **, p<0.01 and ***, p<0.001 between the dashed line connecting experimental conditions.