Figure 4.
PET image-guided tumor targeting using nanoparticle based carrier. (A) Targeting of integrin αvβ3 expression in U87MG tumor bearing mice by gold nanorods (GNR) conjugated with cRGD. PET images at different time points post injection of 64Cu-labeled gold nanorods conjugated with DOX (64Cu-NOTA-GNR-DOX) and 64Cu-labeled gold nanorods conjugated with DOX and cRGD (64Cu-NOTA-GNR-DOX-cRGD). Arrowheads indicate the tumors. Adapted with permission from ref (132). Copyright 2012 Ivyspring International Publisher. (B) Targeting of CD105 expression in 4T1 tumor-bearing mice by TRC105-conjugated mesoporous silica nanoparticles. PET images at different time points post injection of 64Cu-labeled mesoporous silica (64Cu-NOTA-mSiO2) and 64Cu-labeled mesoporous silica conjugated with TRC105 (64Cu-NOTA-mSiO2-TRC105). Tumors were indicated by yellow arrowheads. Adapted with permission from ref (142). Copyright 2013 American Chemical Society. (C) Targeting of lung endothelium in C57BL/6 mice by polymeric nanoparticles conjugated with anti-ICAM antibody. Micro-PET images of mice at different time points post injection of 64Cu-labeled nanoparticle conjugated with anti-ICAM antibody (64Cu-DOTA-NP-anti-ICAM) and 64Cu-labeled nanoparticle conjugated with anti-ICAM antibody after pretreating the mice with lipopolysaccharides (64Cu-DOTA-NP-anti-ICAM LPS treated). Adapted with permission from ref (153). Copyright 2008 Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. (D) Targeting of integrin αvβ3-expression in U87MG tumor bearing mice by cRGD-functionalized single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). PET images showing high tumor uptake of SWNT–PEG5400–RGD observed in the U87MG tumor (first row) and control experiment showing blocking of SWNT–PEG5400–RGD tumor uptake by coinjection of free cRGD (second row). The arrows point to the tumors. Adapted with permission from ref (165). Copyright 2007 Nature Publishing Group.