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. 2014 Aug 10;6:347–369. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2014.07.012

Table 1.

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the CRPS subjects.

Subject Gender Age Etiology Pain location Pain duration (mo) VAS1 VAS2 Medication Ethnicity Pubertal status Birth history
1 F 17 Knee injury R knee 2.5 7.5 7 AC wnh Post Unremarkable
2 F 10 Twisted ankle R foot 18.7 9 6 AD wnh Pre Unremarkable
3 M 11 Foot injury L foot 8 10 2 AC, AD wnh Pre Unremarkable
4 F 15 Crush injury foot L ankle 5 7 8 AD wnh Post Unremarkable
5 M 15 No known injury R knee 12 8 3 AC, AD wnh Post Unremarkable
6 F 11 Knee injury L knee 6.5 6 3 AC, AD wnh Pre Unremarkable
7 F 16 Fractured fibula L ankle 48 3.5 2 AD wnh Post Unremarkable
8 F 17 Foot/knee injury L ankle 19 4 2 AD wnh Post NICU for 2 weeks post-birth
9 F 14 Sprained ankle L foot 2.5 8.5 7.5 AC wnh Post Unremarkable
10 M 13 Post-surgery L ankle 6 6 2 AC wnh Pre Vaginal delivery to term;
clavicle fracture at birth
11 F 17 Twisted ankle R foot 85 6 5 AD wnh Post Not mentioned
12 F 13 Ankle sprain L foot 13 7 3 AC wnh Post 35-week preterm delivery
Mean ± SEM 14.1 0.72 18.9 (7.0) 7.0 0.56 4.4 0.67

R = right; L = left. VAS1 (2) = pain rating at visit 1 (2). AC, anticonvulsants (pregabalin, gabapentin); AD, anti-depressants (amitriptyline, duloxetine).