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. 2014 Oct 15;5:5239. doi: 10.1038/ncomms6239

Table 1. Scale-related aggregative power of physical processes.

Scale Zooplankton density Zooplankton biovolume Fish density Fish biomass
All structures
 Mean 8.8** 152.8** 92.0* 947.0**
 Median 1.1 76.9 0.5 138.3
n 5,878 3,644 4,860 4,860
 cv 4.6 1.4 3.4 2.6
<1 km
 Mean 6.8** 132.5** 61.6** 297.8**
 Median 0.6 64.4 0.03 68.0
n 3,466 2,957 2,681 2,681
 cv 5.4 1.4 3.6 2.1
1–10 km
 Mean 9.7** 510.4** 111.1** 1,536.8**
 Median 2.0 192.8 1.9 243.5
n 1,934 1,481 1,721 1,721
 cv 4.0 1.7 3.1 2.3
>10 km
 Mean 26.8** 2,262.1** 318.4** 9,946.7**
 Median 2.5 647.9 8.6 799.0
n 478 386 4.58 4.58
 cv 3.3 1.9 3.1 2.7

cv, coefficient of variation; n, number of physical structures.

Difference (in %) between the zooplankton and fish density and biovolume/biomass embedded within structures with the zooplankton and fish density and biovolume/biomass observed in the neighbouring zone with no significant physical structures. To test for significant differences in the relative aggregative index (RI) of the mean density, a parametric statistical setting was used where the null hypothesis assumes statistical independence between the biovolume/biomass of zooplankton and fish and the physical forcing. The distribution of the RI was estimated under the null hypothesis from 500 transect-by-transect random simulations of the ecological signals and the original physical structures. Asterisks indicate significant difference in the mean density: **<0.01, *<0.05;