Figure 2. PCA of the ancient Hungarian time series.
Combined plot of Principal Component Analyses performed on the ancient Hungarian time series of observed genotypes compared with European, Caucasian and Near Eastern modern populations. Published ancient genomic data are plotted as squared points: Ice4, Go4, A70, A52 and Ir8 (ref. 2), Bra1 and Bra2 (ref. 1). Modern population labels are: Ady, Adygei; Arm, Armenians; Bas, Basque; Bed, Bedouins; Bel, Belorussians; Bul, Bulgarians; Cyp, Cypriotes; Dru, Druze; Fre, French; Geo, Georgians; Hun, Hungarians; Ita, Italians; Jor, Jordanians; Leb, Lebanese; Lit, Lithuanians; Nog, Kuban Nogays; Orc, Orcadians; Pal, Palestinians; Rom, Romanians; Rus, Russians; Sar, Sardinians; Spa, Spaniards; Syr, Syrians; Tur, Turks; Tus, Tuscans; Ukr, Ukranians.