Figure 7. Extinction ratio enhancement.
(a) Enhancement of extinction ratio (ERE) as the passive amplification factor m increases for a noisy input with OSNR=10. The experimental data points (red triangles) for m=2, 5 and 15 are overlaid with the simulation trend (blue squares). The solid violet line shows the experimentally measured ERE when a band-pass filter is employed without Talbot amplification. Solid green circles show experimental data points of ERE when a band-pass filter is used in conjunction with Talbot amplification. (b) Optical sampling oscilloscope time traces with passive amplification (red, PM-ON), without passive amplification (dashed blue, PM-OFF), with a BPF alone (dot-dashed green) and with both the use of a BPF and passive amplification (double-dot-dashed brown), for m=5. (c) Similar optical sampling oscilloscope traces as in b but with m=15.