Figure 3.
Between-groups comparison of beta-band interregional phase synchronization during processing of angry faces. a) Sagittal and axial view of reduced beta-band interregional synchronization in adolescents with ASD in a distributed network during the perception of angry faces. The nodes and edges shown are those identified as expressing reduced beta-band connectivity using NBS. This size of each identified node reflects the magnitude of group differences in connectivity strength. b) Between-group comparisons in the right insula showed significantly reduced task-dependent beta-band connectivity strength in adolescents with ASD. This time series was calculated from the strength value for the right insula, from the adjacency matrix for each time point, and subsequently averaged across subjects within each group. See Table 1 for region abbreviations, full region names and MNI coordinates; Left = left, right = right. The size of each region corresponds to its connectivity strength. Inset time series represents the dynamics of right insula connectivity strength during the perception of angry faces for controls (green line) and ASD (blue line), smoothed for clarity. ASD = autism spectrum disorder; MNI = Montreal Neurological Institute; NBS = network-based statistic.