Cognitive health
MMSE score 24 or less (calculated in interview) |
Missing MMSE scores (assumed to be 24 or less) |
Severe memory defect |
Consent difficulties for next stage |
Communication difficulties
Hearing problems (difficulty completing interview with hearing aid; inability to hear 35 db at 1000 Hz in either ear in interview functional hearing screening; hearing aid that cannot be removed) |
Insufficient English language (native language not English and not bilingual English from birth) |
Vision difficulties (correct near vision of 20/100 or worse with both eyes) |
Medical problems (self-report of diagnosis)
Dementia diagnosis/Alzheimer’s Disease |
Parkinson’s disease |
Motor Neurone disease |
Multiple Sclerosis |
Cancer (history of brain tumour or chemotherapy/radiotherapy for any cancer in last 6 months) |
Stroke |
Encephalitis |
Meningitis |
Epilepsy |
Head injury with serious results (coma, unconscious for >2 hrs, or skull fracture) |
Recently diagnosed or uncontrolled high blood pressure |
Pregnancy or trying to become pregnant |
Current serious psychiatric conditions (bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or psychosis) |
Mobility problems
Restricted mobility which would prevent further participation |
Inability to walk 10 metres |
Substance abuse
Past or current treatment for drug abuse |
Current drug usage |
Refusal to answer substance abuse questions |
Specific MRI/MEG safety and comfort exclusions
Heart operation |
Blood vessel procedure or device (carotid artery vascular clamp; venous umbrella; stent, filter or coil; Swan-Ganz catheter; vascular access ports or catheters) |
Neurostimulator or spinal fusion stimulator |
Electrodes on body, head or brain |
Pump, Implant or pacemaker |
Brain Operation |
Metal splinters in eye, head or ear |
Shrapnel, buckshot or bullet in body |
Wire sutures or surgical staples |
Artificial joints that are MRI incompatible (jaw/maxillary reconstruction; shoulder prosthesis; any other joint replacement surgery in the last 3 months) |
Bone fixation rods or plates in jaw, head, shoulders or spine |
Non-removable dental brace |
Non-removable prosthesis or removable eye prosthesis |
Inability to lie flat for an hour |
Claustrophobia |
Body piercings that cannot be removed |
IUD that is MRI incompatible |
Transdermal delivery patches that cannot be removed |
Tattoos on head face or neck |