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. 2014 Nov 3;3(6):4. doi: 10.1167/tvst.3.6.4

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Relationship between RNFL thickness and visual field loss from all eyes of patients with confirmed neuro-ophthalmic disease and available visual fields. (A) Average peripapillary RNFL thickness in microns plotted as a function of MD. Eyes with pathologic pallor are denoted with filled symbols. (B) Average peripapillary RNFL thickness expressed as a ratio to the normal mean value for each respective OCT system (Seibold et al.16) plotted as a function of MD. Dashed lines delimit the normal range. Limit is set at −3 dB for MD and at normal mean −2SD for average peripapillary thickness. The resulting four quadrants represent the following relationships: (1) eyes with significant RNFL thinning and abnormal visual field parameter, (2) RNFL thinning with visual field parameter within normal limits, (3) normal RNFL and visual field, and (4) RNFL within normal limits but abnormal visual field. (C, D) Minimum sector RNFL thickness plotted as a function of MD (C) and PSD (D) values. Triangles represent data points with significantly abnormal (to a level <0.05%) visual field parameters, as determined by the Humphrey field analyzer software. Horizontal dashed lines represent the lower limit for (normal mean −2SD) minimum sector RNFL thickness. Vertical dashed line represents the lower limit of the normal range for MD (−3 dB) and PSD (3.5 dB). (E, F) Proportion of eyes with optic nerve pallor that fall in each of the four quadrants as plotted in (C) and (D) that define the four relationships between minimum sector RNFL thickness and MD (E) and PSD (F).