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. 2014 Nov 4;8:348. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2014.00348

Table 2.

Roles of connexin hemichannels and pannexin channels in neurophysiology.

Function Channel subtype Proposed mechanisms Experimental models and tools References
(1) Development
↑ Cell division and proliferation Cx43 ATP released from RPE cells via Cx43 HCs triggers Ca2+ waves through RPE cells and stimulates P2 receptors on retinal progenitor cells Isolated neural retina from chick embryos Pearson et al., 2005
Pharmacological blocker (Carbenoxolone); mimetic peptide (Gap26)
Panx1 ATP released via Panx1 channels stimulates NSC/NPC via P2 receptors Neuro2a neuroblastoma cell line, cultures of postnatal mouse ventricular zone NSC/NPCs Wicki-Stordeur et al., 2012
Pharmacological blocker (Probenecid); Panx1 siRNA
(2) Glucose sensing and signal transduction
↑ Hypothalamic glucose-sensing Cx43 Glucose uptake and glycolysis opens Cx43 HCs allowing the release of ATP, which activates local P2Y1 receptors and [Ca2+]i increase Cultured rat hypothalamic tanycytes Orellana et al., 2012a
Pharmacological blockers (La3+, Cx43E2, Probenecid); mimetic peptides (Gap26, 10panx)
↑ Metabolic autocrine regulation Panx1 Decrease in extracellular glucose triggers the opening of Panx1 channels through which ATP is released Acute hippocampal slices from juvenile rats Kawamura et al., 2010
Pharmacological blocker (Carbenoxolone, Octanol); mimetic peptide (10panx)
(1) Neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission
↑ Synaptic transmission Cx43 ATP released via Cx43 HCs in astrocytes promotes excitatory synaptic transmission via P2 receptors Acute hippocampal slices from juvenile mice Chever et al., 2014
Transgenic mice: Cx43fl/fl:hGFAP-Cre = Astrocytic Cx43 conditional knockout; pharmacological blocker (Carbenoxolone), mimetic peptide (Gap26, 10panx)
↑ Feedback inhibitory synaptic transmission Cx43 Decrease in [Ca2+]e during excitatory transmission opens Cx43 HCs in astrocytes allowing the release of ATP, which triggers depolarization and firing of inhibitory interneurons and a slow Ca2+ wave in astrocytes both via P2Y receptors Acute hippocampal slices from juvenile mice Torres et al., 2012
Transgenic mice: (1) Cx30−/−Cx43fl/fl:hGFAP-Cre = Cx30 total- and Cx43 astrocytic conditional knockout; (2) Cx30−/−Cx43fl/fl = Cx30 total knockout; and 3) Cx43+/G138Rfl:hGFAP-Cre mice = enhanced astrocytic Cx43 HC activity; pharmacological blocker (Carbenoxolone)
↓ Neuronal excitability Panx1 Decrease in extracellular glucose triggers the opening of Panx1 channels through which ATP is released. Its metabolite adenosine then activates adenosine A1 receptors and opens KATP channels leading to decreased neuronal excitability Acute hippocampal slices from juvenile rats Kawamura et al., 2010
Pharmacological blocker (Carbenoxolone, Octanol); mimetic peptide (10panx)
↓ Synaptic transmission Panx1 Adenosine metabolized from ATP released via Panx1 channels decreases neurotransmission Acute hippocampal slices from adult mice Prochnow et al., 2012
Transgenic mice: Panx1−/− (Panx1 knockout)
Panx1 Panx1 channels decrease neurotransmission in adult but not young mice Acute hippocampal slices from young and adult mice Ardiles et al., 2014
Transgenic mice: Panx1−/− (Panx1 knockout); Pharmacological blocker (Probenecid)
↑ Light-induced feedback transmission Cx55.5 Cx55.5 HC current at the tips of the horizontal cell dendrites induces local voltage drop near voltage dependent Ca2+ channels of cones mediating feedback ephaptic transmission Isolated retina, dissociated horizontal cells and cones from zebrafish Klaassen et al., 2011
Transgenic zebrafish: Cx55.5 mutant (no functional Cx55.5 protein formation)
↓ Spontaneous neuronal activity Panx1 Panx1 channels on active neurons promote microglial motility via ATP/P2 receptors, which in turn downregulates spontaneous neuronal activity Zebrafish larvae Li et al., 2012
Pharmacological blocker (Carbenoxolone, Probenecid); Panx1 downregulation oligonucleotides
(2) Synaptic plasticity
↓ LTP Panx1 Adenosine metabolized from ATP released via Panx1 channels suppresses the induction of LTP Acute hippocampal slices from adult mice Prochnow et al., 2012
Transgenic mice: Panx1−/− (Panx1 knockout); Pharmacological blocker (mefloquine)
↓ LTP, ↑ LTD Panx1 Panx1 channels control the threshold of the bidirectional induction of synaptic plasticity in adult but not in young mice Acute hippocampal slices from young and adult mice Ardiles et al., 2014
Transgenic mice: Panx1−/− (Panx1 knockout); Pharmacological blocker (Probenecid)
(1) Sensorimotor gating
↓ Sensorimotor gating capabilities Panx1 Panx1 channels inhibit pre-pulse inhibition of the acoustic startle response Mice (adult) Prochnow et al., 2012
Transgenic mice: Panx1−/− (Panx1 knockout)
(2) Learning and memory
↑ Fear memory consolidation Cx43 Gliotransmitters release through astrocytic Cx43 HCs promotes the consolidation of fear memory Rats (adult) Stehberg et al., 2012
Mimetic peptides injection into basolateral amygdala (Gap26, TAT-Cx43L2)
↑ Object recognition memory Panx1 Panx1 channels improve the ability of a mouse to recognize an object as familiar Mice (adult) Prochnow et al., 2012
Transgenic mice: Panx1−/− (Panx1 knockout)
↑ Spatial memory Panx1 Panx1 channels enhance the ability of a mouse to remember the location of a treat Mice (adult) Prochnow et al., 2012
Transgenic mice: Panx1−/− (Panx1 knockout)
(3) Vision
↑ Contrast sensitivity Cx55.5 Cx55.5 HC mediated feedback from horizontal cells to cones leads to contrast enhancement Zebrafish larvae Klaassen et al., 2011
Transgenic zebrafish: Cx55.5 mutant zebrafish (no functional Cx55.5 protein formation)
↓ Visually-evoked neuronal activity Panx1 Microglial contact promoted by Panx1 channels on active neurons via ATP/P2 receptors downregulates evoked neuronal activity Zebrafish larvae Li et al., 2012
Pharmacological blocker (Carbenoxolone, Probenecid); Panx1 downregulation oligonucleotides

Cx, Connexin; fl, floxed; HC, hemichannel; G138R, single point mutation of glycine 138 to arginine of Cx43; LTD, long-term depression; LTP, long-term potentiation; NSC/NPS, neural stem cells and progenitor cells; Panx, Pannexin; RPE, retinal pigment epithelium.