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. 2014 Nov 4;5:582. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00582

Table 1.

Properties of the first sequenced mycorrhizal fungal genomes.

Species Laccaria bicolor Tuber melanosporum Rhizophagus irregularis
Phylogeny Basidiomycota, Agaricales Ascomycota, Pezizales Glomeromycota, Glomerales
Mycorrhizal morphotype Ectomycorrhiza Ectomycorrhiza Arbuscular mycorrhiza
Plant partners Broad range of forest trees, hardwoods and conifers, such as poplars and firs Narrow range of forest trees, hardwoods and conifers, such as hazel tree and oaks Hundreds of herbaceous plant species, including crops such as wheat and rice
Genomic assembly (Mbp) 60.7 125.0 91.1
Repeat-masked total (Mbp) 15.1 (25%) 65.3 (52%) 14.0 (15%)
# Predicted genes 23132 7496 30282
Average # exons/gene 5.28 3.87 3.46
# Predicted gene families 3523 799 2749
Average # genes/family 5.02 3.79 8.00
Average protein length (aa) 356 439 270
# Predicted signal peptides 3201 (14%) 1224 (16%) 1995 (7%)
# Distinct Pfam domains 2348 2272 2469
Major publication Martin et al. (2008) Martin et al. (2010) Tisserant et al. (2013)

All numbers are calculated from the genomes’ computationally reconstructed assemblies and annotations.