NLR-related gene expression in human SQ A) adipocytes, B) SVF C) paired adipocyte (Adip) and SVF samples of obese subjects and D) adipose tissue caspase-1 activity. (Means±SE, *p<0.05, A: 12 lean/24 obese; B: 9 lean/16 obese; C: 14 paired samples; D: 11 lean/22 obese). Expression of E) NLRP3 family mRNA F) IL-1β protein (pg/mg lysate), G) caspase-1 activity (relative fluorescence units (RFU) /mg protein lysate) and H) cell culture IL-1β secretion (pg secreted/mg adipocyte lysate) in purified epididymal adipocytes of chow-fed lean and HFD-fed obese C57BL/6 male mice. (Mean±SE, N=4 (E,F,H) or N=3 (G) pooled samples/group, using 3–4 chow-fed mice or 2 HFD-fed mice for each pooled sample, *p<0.05 or **p<0.01 vs. chow-fed group).