Table 4. Estimated coefficients in the equation of food stamps recipients (left block) and misspecification and stability tests (right block).
Regressors | Coeff. | T-stat | Tests | p-value |
log(Food stamps(-1)) | 0.59 | 5.40 | Ljung-Box(12) | 0.52 |
log(Food stamps(-2)) | 0.30 | 2.31 | Ljung-Box(24) | 0.65 |
log(Food stamps(-3)) | 0.29 | 2.22 | Ljung-Box(12) res. sq. | 0.79 |
log(Food stamps(-4)) | -0.23 | -2.25 | Ljung-Box(24) res. sq. | 0.79 |
log(Unemployment rate) | 0.02 | 3.13 | ARCH(12) | 0.89 |
log(GI - Food Stamps) | 0.01 | 3.96 | ARCH(24) | 0.98 |
log(GI - Jobs) | 0.02 | 2.03 | Jarque-Bera | 0.00 |
constant | 0.87 | 4.63 | RESET | 0.56 |
S1 | −0.02 | −5.74 | BDS (dim = 2) | 0.12 |
S2 | −0.02 | −8.07 | BDS (dim = 6) | 0.00 |
S3 | −0.01 | −4.37 | OLS-CUSUM | 0.99 |
S4 | −0.02 | −4.44 | Rec-CUSUM | 0.06 |
S5 | −0.01 | −3.43 | OLS-MOSUM | 0.51 |
S6 | −0.02 | −4.04 | Rec-MOSUM | 0.39 |
S7 | −0.01 | −3.95 | Andrews max-F | 0.03 |
S8 | −0.01 | −3.89 | Andrews exp-F | 0.22 |
S9 | −0.01 | −4.64 | Andrews ave-F | 0.09 |
S10 | −0.01 | −3.69 | Optimal n. breakpoints (BIC) | 0 |
S11 | −0.01 | −4.36 | Optimal n. breakpoints (LWZ) | 0 |
Estimated coefficients in the equation of food stamps recipients (left block) and misspecification and stability tests (right block). Sample: 2004M1- 2011M05. P-values smaller than 0.05 are in bold font.
Misspecification tests: the [46] statistics for testing the absence of autocorrelation up to order in the models' residuals and residuals squared; the Lagrange multiplier test for Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) in the residuals proposed by [47]; the [48] test for checking whether a time series is normally distributed; the REgression Specification Error Test (RESET) proposed by [49], which is a general test for incorrect functional form, omitted variables, and correlation between the regressors and the error term; the BDS test by [50] to test whether the residuals are independent and identically distributed (iid) and which is robust against a variety of possible deviations from independence, including linear dependence, non-linear dependence, or chaos.
Stability tests: the test for parameter instability by [51] which is based on the CUmulative SUM of the recursive residuals (Rec-CUSUM); [52] suggested to modify the previous structural change test and use the cumulative sums of the common OLS residuals (OLS-CUSUM). [53] proposed a structural change test which analyzes moving sums of residuals (MOSUM) instead of cumulative sums. We remark that a unifying view of the previous structural change tests within a generalized M-fluctuation test framework was proposed by [54] and [55]. [56] was the first to suggest an F-test for structural change when the break point is known: [57] and [58] extended the Chow test by computing the F statistics for all potential break points and suggested three different test statistics, the sup-F, the ave-F and the exp-F, which are based on Wald, Lagrange Multiplier or Likelihood Ratio statistics respectively, in a very general class of models fitted by Generalized Method of Moments. See [59] for a review and a step-by-step description of stability tests using R software. Besides, [60], following [61], suggested to find the optimal number of breakpoints by optimizing the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) and the modified BIC by [62] (LWZ, 1997).