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. 2013 Oct 22;6:79. doi: 10.1186/1756-8722-6-79

Table 2.

Ruxolitinib dose modifications recommended for MF patients with a starting platelet count of at least 50 × 10 9 /L but less than 100 × 10 9 /L*

Current platelet count Dosing recommendation
<25 × 109/L
Interrupt treatment
25 to <35 × 109/L with <20% decrease during the prior 4 weeks
Decrease dose by 5 mg QD or maintain the current dose if it is 5 mg QD
25 to <35 × 109/L with ≥20% decrease during prior 4 weeks
Decrease dose by 5 mg BID or use 5 mg QD if the current dose is 5 mg BID or QD
≥40 × 109/L with ≤20% decrease during prior 4 weeks, ANC >1 × 109/L, and no dose reductions or treatment interruptions for AE or hematologic toxicity during the prior 4 weeks Increase dose by increments of 5 mg QD to a maximum of 10 mg BID if response is insufficient

*Starting ruxolitinib dose of 5 mg BID. Recommended dose modifications based on US prescribing information.

AE, adverse event; ANC, absolute neutrophil count; BID, twice daily; FDA, US Food and Drug Administration; MF, myelofibrosis; QD, once daily.

Data from Jakafi prescribing information (Incyte Corporation, June 2013).

See full prescribing information for a complete description of FDA-approved dosing of ruxolitinib in patients with intermediate or high-risk MF.