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. 2014 Nov 6;5:599. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00599

Table 4.

Quercus suber most differentially expressed genes in the flower transcriptome.

graphic file with name fpls-05-00599-i0001.jpg

The 10 genes most differentially expressed in male or female tissues were identified by establishing a ratio between male and female EST count in female (1F+2F) and male (1M+2M) Q. suber combined flower library. The deduced aminoacid sequences of these genes were annotated using InterProScan. Gene accessions according to the CorkOak database [; (?) not present]. Transcript distribution of the most differentially expressed genes in the Q. suber organs was obtained by blasting the genes sequences against the organ libraries made available by Pereira-Leal et al. (2014). R, root; L, leaf; B, bud; F, flower; Fr, Fruit.