FIG. 3.
(a) Typical fluorescence images of a microwell containing stained live/dead BHK-21 cells infected in situ by DENV at m.o.i. = 0.5 or 1 at 0, 5, and 10 hpi. The white dashed lines denoted the edge of the microwell. (b) The time variation of the aqueous oxygen concentration ([O2], μM) and OCR (−d[O2]/dt) for normal BHK-21 cells within the microwells for three successive measurements by periodically sealing the glass microwell. (c) The time variation of the normalized OCR (OCR(t)/OCR(n), %) of the DENV-infected BHK-21 cells at different m.o.i. values within the microwells, as determined by periodic sealing of the microwells. The normalized OCR (OCR(t)/OCR(n), %) was measured at a 60 min time interval. Each OCR value included the three-stage operation for replenishment of the microwells with fresh medium (O-stage), entrapment of the chamber volume (S-stage), and measurement of the oxygen concentration (M-stage). OCR(n) denoted the averaged OCR value of normal BHK-21 cells (uninfected cells), which was 5 ± 0.1 pmol O2/min/well for a long-term measurement (10 h).