Figure 2.
Quality of RDCs fits: the correlation fits of the experimental and back-calculated RDCs for the best structure from the NMR ensemble presented in Figure 1. (A) 1DHN RDCs data is split into two parts, one for each domain: data in orange corresponds to Sk4 domain and data in blue–to Sk5 domain. (B) The correlation fits of the experimental and back-calculated RDCs for the best structure from the NMR ensemble. These fits are obtained for 1DHN RDCs used as a single data set for the two domains. The four RDCs fits are (from left to right): Sk45 with His-tag in Pf1 anisotropic medium, Sk45 without tag in Pf1, C12E5/hexanol, or C12E5/hexanol/SOS media. The fits are obtained with MODULE.26