Figure 3. Reciprocal deletion.
(A) 180K Custom Microarray aCGH results with the upper track displaying an overview of the log2-ratio of the fluorescent signal across the entire X chromosome and the central track displaying a zoomed in portion of the X chromosome, with the log2-ratio of the fluorescent signals on the Y Axis. (B) PCR bands across the deletion region for the deletion carrying patient (P), father (F), mother (M), sister (S), female control (fc), male control (mc), and negative control (neg). (C) Sequencing of the amplicon in part B for the patient. Red letters indicate X specific reference sequence, yellow letters indicate LTR6B reference sequence, yellow letters highlighted in red indicate sequence specific for X specific LTR6B, yellow letters highlighted in purple indicate sequence specific for pseudoautosomal LTR6B, purple letters highlighted in purple indicate sequence originated from PAR1 that was not sequenced but contains the forward primer site, and yellow letters highlighted in yellow indicate LTR6B sequence that was not sequenced but contains the forward primer site. Highlighted in black are annotated SNPs.