Figure 4. Dissemination of Jed 4 macrophages in Rag2/γC mice.
A (Virulent line) & B (Engineered attenuated line), The Ts4 micro-satellite locus was amplified from DNA extracted from the lungs (tracks 1–7), kidneys (tracks 8–11) and spleens (tracks 12–18) of 18 mice injected with virulent Jed 4 macrophages. Apart from a Ts4 specific band in the positive control no parasite DNA was amplified from extracts of lungs (tracks 1–8), kidneys (tracks 9–11) and spleens (tracks 12–18) of 18 mice injected with V-Delta 169 macrophages. (+) = Positive control DNA, (−) = negative control water, MW = molecular-weight size marker (200 bp ladder).