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. 2014 Nov;9(6):737–755.


Description of Suggested Special Tests for Hip Joint Ligamentous Laxity.

Special Test Performance Positive Result Interpretation
Dial Test Athlete supine with the hip in a neutral flexion/extension and abduction/adduction position, the clinician grasps the client's leg at the femur and tibia and passively rolls it into full IR. The LE is released and allowed to ER. A negative Dial test constitutes ER of the lower limb less than 45°, as measured vertically, with a firm endpoint. No reliability or diagnostic validity has been reported for this test
Log Roll Test Athlete supine with hip in a neutral flexion/extension and abduction/adduction position, the leg is passively rolled into full IR and ER. A click reproduced during the test is suggestive of labral tear, while increased ER ROM may indicate iliofemoral ligament laxity. Inter‐rater reliability: ICC = 0.63;92 ĸ = 0.6193
Good reliability; No diagnostic validity has been reported for this test

ER=external rotation, IR=internal rotation, ĸ=kappa statistic for reliability