Table 3.
Proportional hazard ratios, using Cox regression models, of time to death for all cancer diagnosed between 1998 and 2004, for Indigenous compared to non-Indigenous people in Queensland, Australia
HR | (95% CI) | aHR* | (95% CI) | ||
All cause death |
1.37 |
(1.22, 1.55 ) |
1.22 |
(1.06-1.39) |
Non-cancer death |
2.39 |
(1.57, 3.63) |
1.95 |
(1.17, 3.24) |
Cancer death |
1.30 |
(1.15, 1.48 ) |
1.10 |
(0.96, 1.27) |
Time to death (all causes) by years: |
0 – 1 yr |
1.60 |
(1.37, 1.87) |
1.33 |
(1.12, 1.83) |
1 – 2y |
0.98 |
(0.73, 1.33) |
1.18 |
(0.85, 1.65) |
2- 3 yr |
0.98 |
(0.76, 1.26) |
0.98 |
(0.77, 1.26) |
3- 4 yr |
0.97 |
(0.74, 1.30) |
1.03 |
(0.79 1.36) |
4- 5 yr | 1.05 | (0.76, 1.45) | 1.02 | (0.72, 1.45) |
*Adjusted for: Sex, Age, Comorbidity Score (Modified Charlson Comorbidity Index): 0, 1, 2+; Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia 1 = Highly accessible/Accessible 2 = Moderately accessible 3 = Remote/Highly remote; SEIFA (Socioeconomic Index for Areas): 1 = Most disadvantaged, 2 = Intermediate advantage, 3 = Most advantaged; Stage: 1 = Localised, 2 = Regional Spread, 3 = Metastatic Disease, 9 = Not sure; Any treatment.